This Americans with Disabilities Act online training course explains the ADA in simple, understandable terms. It uses examples from news headlines to emphasize the importance of ADA compliance, and it reinforces these messages with realistic quiz scenarios presented at the end of the course. This course will help you recognize situations at work that raise ADA issues and will assist you in dealing with the issues effectively.
This Avoiding Insider Trading online training course is designed to help you understand the law and avoid the serious criminal penalties, fines, and civil lawsuits that can result if you trade in a company's stock based on confidential information. This course provides an overview of the law regarding Insider Trading.
This California Consumer Privacy Legislation online training course is designed for employees of companies that do business in California and collect, sell or share consumers’ personal information. California has the most stringent privacy legislation of any U.S. state. The course outlines the key provisions of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and the Consumer Privacy Rights Act (CPRA).
This California Workplace Violence Prevention For Employees online training course is designed for employees in most workplaces in California. In response to the tragic mass shooting at a Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) rail yard in 2021 and an increasing level of violence in California workplaces in general, the state government passed Senate Bill (SB) No. 553. Employers must develop a Workplace Violence Prevention Plans (WVPP) and maintain a violent incident log that records information about every incident, post-incident, response, and workplace violation injury investigation performed. This course covers the non-worksite-specific training requirements under California’s workplace violence prevention legislation, Senate Bill (SB) No. 553/ California Labor Code Section 6401.9.
This California Workplace Violence Prevention for Employers online training course is designed for employers in most workplaces in California. Learn about employer obligations under Senate Bill (SB) No. 553/ Section 6401.9 of the California Labor Code, including: developing and implementing a Workplace Violence Prevention Plan (WVPP); maintaining a log of all incidents of workplace violence; and training employees on the legislation, the WVPP and the violence hazards in their work.
This Clean Desk Policy online training course is designed for office employees and those working in public areas. The purposes of a clean desk policy are to ensure the security of sensitive and confidential information, to increase physical security, and to improve efficiency at work. Learn what employees need to do to comply with a clean desk policy.
This Code of Conduct online training course provides a model Code of Conduct that explains the most important parts of the Code. A company that already has a Code in place can customize and use this course to communicate that policy to its employees and for a company that has not yet implemented a Code, this course provides a turn-key solution that can be put in place quickly.
This Colorado Consumer Data Privacy Legislation online training course is designed for employees of companies that do business in Colorado and collect and sell consumers’ personal information. This course will outline the key provisions of the CPA, underscore the privacy rights provided to Colorado consumers and review the implications for organizations that do business in Colorado and with Colorado residents.
This Combating Human Trafficking online training course will discuss human trafficking, the risks it creates, and the steps you can take to combat it at your organization. Human trafficking is a global issue and needs to be a concern for businesses and organizations. Increasingly, businesses are being asked by governments, customers, and the public to take steps to combat human trafficking.
This Combating Human Trafficking in California online training course is designed for employees who come in contact with customers, clients, patients and the public. You will learn about the types of human trafficking, misconceptions about it, its impact on business, how to identify potential human trafficking victims, and ways to respond to and report cases of human trafficking.
This Combating Human Trafficking in Florida online training course is designed for employers, managers, and employees in most workplaces in Florida. Human trafficking is a global issue found in a range of socio-demographic groups. Increasingly, businesses are being asked by governments, customers, and the public to take steps to combat human trafficking. This course discusses human trafficking, the signs that indicate it is occurring, and the steps you can take to combat it at your organization.
This Conflicts of Interest online training course is designed for all full-time and part-time employees, including managers, and supervisory and non-supervisory personnel. It applies equally to employees who perform company work at home or off-site, as well as to temporary employees and independent contractors. This course sets out and explains conflict of interest situations — what they are and how to avoid them. The objective is to help you deal with similar situations that you may encounter in your job.
This Crisis Management and Emergency Response Planning online training course is intended to help you recognize and deal with crises that can occur that affect companies and their employees. This course will address the key components of crisis management and emergency response planning and how they apply to all full-time and part-time employees, including managers, supervisory and non-supervisory personnel.
This Drug-Free Workplace Training for Supervisors online training course is designed for employees in a supervisory or management role. This course describes how to establish a drug-free workplace policy, participate in the state’s Drug-Free Workplace Program, and develop a Substance Abuse Policy. In doing so, companies prove their commitment to safeguard the well being of all employees and promote a safe environment for everyone.
The Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action online training course was designed for senior management, human resources managers, and supervisors. This course will give you an introduction to Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action (EEO/AA) and present employment practices that will help you comply with the EEO/AA requirements.
This Foreign Corrupt Practices Act online training course will help you understand the scope and purpose of the Foreign Corrupt Practices (FCPA's) key provisions and includes real-life newscasts of incidents that showcase the material in this course. In this course, you will also learn to recognize red flags and deal with them properly.
The information in this Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act Overview online training course is based on the key privacy concepts, terms, rules, and requirements of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA). This course provides an overview of the fundamentals of privacy regarding the use of personal information that is obtained by a financial institution from consumers and customers.
This Ground Disturbance Awareness online training course is designed for employees of pipeline companies and other utilities who undertake ground disturbance activities. Hitting existing buried facilities can cause a host of problems, in this course, you will learn how ground disturbance projects can be undertaken safely and efficiently, without damaging existing infrastructure.
This Ground Disturbance Level II online training course is designed for supervisors in the pipeline and other utility companies, as well as in companies that undertake ground disturbance activities. Striking existing buried facilities can cause a number of problems. Learn how ground disturbance projects can be undertaken safely and efficiently, without damaging existing infrastructure.
This Harassment Prevention Training [Connecticut] online training course is designed for all Connecticut employers and employees (including supervisors). Sexual harassment and other forms of illegal discrimination are damaging to organizations, employees, and society at large. This training will give employers, supervisors, and employees in Connecticut a greater understanding of harassment and illegal discrimination, how they can be prevented, and the processes to follow when a complaint is made.
This Harassment Prevention Training [NY] online training course is designed for all New York employers and employees (including supervisors). Sexual harassment and other forms of illegal discrimination are damaging to organizations, employees, and society at large. This training will give employers, supervisors, and employees in New York a greater understanding of harassment and illegal discrimination, how they can be prevented, and the processes to follow when a complaint is made.
This Harassment Prevention Training for Employees [California] (SB1343) online training course is designed for all employees in California. Sexual harassment and other forms of illegal discrimination are damaging to organizations, employees, and society at large. This training will give employees in California a greater understanding of harassment and illegal discrimination, how they can be prevented, and the processes to follow when a complaint is made.
This Harassment Prevention Training for Employees [Chicago Illinois] online training course is designed for all employees in Chicago. Municipal laws concerning harassment, especially sexual harassment prevention, in the City of Chicago are more stringent than Federal and Illinois laws. As an employee working in Chicago, an understanding of the Chicago Human Rights Ordinance will benefit you greatly. This course will also give you an understanding of how to prevent harassment, what to do in case you’re a victim of harassment, who is liable and what remedies are available to you.
This Harassment Prevention Training for Employees [US] online training course is designed for all employees in the US. Sexual harassment and other forms of illegal discrimination are damaging to organizations, employees, and society at large. This training will give employees a greater understanding of harassment and illegal discrimination, how they can be prevented, and processes to follow when a complaint is made. This Harassment Prevention Training for Employees [US] online training course is designed for all employees in the US. Sexual harassment and other forms of illegal discrimination are damaging to organizations, employees, and society at large. This training will give employees a greater understanding of harassment and illegal discrimination, how they can be prevented, and processes to follow when a complaint is made.
This Harassment Prevention Training for Supervisors [California] (AB1825) online training course is designed for supervisory employees and employers in California. Sexual harassment and other forms of illegal discrimination are damaging to organizations, employees, and society at large. This training will give employers and supervisors in California a greater understanding of harassment and illegal discrimination, how they can be prevented, and the processes to follow when a complaint is made.
This Harassment Prevention Training for Supervisors [Chicago Illinois] online training course is designed for supervisors, managerial-level employees, and employers in Chicago, Illinois. Harassment and illegal discrimination are not only based on sex. They can manifest in nuanced ways and this training will create awareness around abusive conduct that can lead to cases of harassment, illegal discrimination, and even retaliation and how to prevent them.
This Harassment Prevention Training for Supervisors [US] online training course is designed for all supervisory employees and employers in the US. Sexual harassment and other forms of illegal discrimination are damaging to organizations, employees, and society at large. This training will give employers and supervisors a greater understanding of harassment and illegal discrimination, how they can be prevented, and the processes to follow when a complaint is made.
This Information Security online training course will identify the safeguards needed to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and security of the information that employees work with. Organizations are increasingly concerned about the security of electronic information. This course will introduce key concepts and terms, identify security threats, and outline best practices for information protection.
This Managing Workplace Stress online training course is designed for all employees and supervisors. This course covers topics including job stress, dealing with burnout and prevention tools, avoiding unnecessary stress and facts about stress. Learners will find tools to create a healthier workplace and a more peaceful outlook.
This Our Drug-Free Workplace online training course is designed for all employees. In this course, you will learn about the company’s drug-free policies and the consequences of violating them; the drug testing program; signs and effects of the abuse of alcohol and common drugs; and resources available to help employees with substance use disorders.
This PCI Compliance for Retail and Service Industries online training course is designed for retail and service industry business owners, IT managers and security managers. Most financial transactions are done by either debit or credit card. All of these transactions involve some level of electronic data transfer and storage, which creates opportunities for cyberthieves. This course provides an overview of what companies that handle credit card payments need to do to comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).
Este curso de formación en línea Prevención de la violencia en el lugar de trabajo en California para empleados ha sido diseñado para empleados de la mayoría de los lugares de trabajo de California. En respuesta al trágico tiroteo masivo en un patio ferroviario de la Autoridad de Transporte del Valle de Santa Clara (VTA) en 2021 y al creciente nivel de violencia en los lugares de trabajo de California en general, el gobierno estatal aprobó el Proyecto de Ley del Senado (SB) No. 553. Los empresarios deben elaborar un plan de prevención de la violencia en el lugar de trabajo (WVPP) y mantener un registro de incidentes violentos que recoja información sobre cada incidente, respuesta posterior al incidente e investigación de lesiones por violación del lugar de trabajo realizada. Este curso cubre los requisitos de capacitación no específicos del lugar de trabajo en virtud de la legislación de prevención de la violencia en el lugar de trabajo de California, Proyecto de Ley del Senado (SB) No. 553/Sección 6401.9 del Código Laboral de California.
This Preventing Workplace Violence online training course provides information on why workplace violence occurs and how it can be prevented. Topics covered in this course include types of workplace violence, examples of prohibited conduct, tips on how to prevent workplace violence, tips on how to deal with irate customers and how to identify danger, the importance of reporting, domestic violence, and how it affects the workplace.
This Quality Communications online training course provides information on how you can improve your workplace communications. This course will cover, the importance of knowing your audience and understanding the law, recognizing your limits in communication, the importance of saying what you mean and using facts in communications, managing closure with clients, and the importance of record retention.
This Questionable Interview Questions online training course presents learners with tips on how to avoid asking problematic interview questions. This course covers topics such as the importance of being aware of laws, focusing on applicant qualifications during interviews, recognizing and avoiding irrelevant questions, avoiding eliciting information and tips from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
This Sarbanes-Oxley Act Primer online training course summarizes the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and describes the important new obligations and impacts it imposes — particularly for the senior management of public companies, these include; new obligations on corporate officers and directors, and increase the scope and severity of the penalties that may be imposed on public companies and their officers and auditors for violations of federal securities laws.
This Security Awareness online training course will introduce key concepts in security, and provide you with a basic understanding of the security function. This course will outline the five primary responsibilities of the security function, and review common security-related events, including crimes involving security. This course will also look at the monetary and non-monetary costs of crime.
The laws governing meal and rest breaks, wages and hours worked can be quite complex, especially for California employers. This Supervisor's Guide to Meals, Rests, Wages and Hours Worked online training course is a basic guide to meal breaks, rest breaks, wages and hours worked for supervisors in California. The goal of this course is to raise your awareness of this important area of employment law.
This Supervisory Law-California online training course will cover the basics of each area of employment law. The laws governing employment are very complex. The objective of this course is to raise awareness among members at the leadership level so that they are “sensitive” to issues that pose potentially litigious repercussions.
This Supervisory Law online training course will cover the basics of each area of employment law. The laws governing employment are very complex. The laws governing employment are very complex. The objective of this course is to raise awareness among members at the leadership level so that they are “sensitive” to issues that pose potentially litigious repercussions.
This Unfair Competition online training course will help you recognize situations presenting unfair competition issues and how to deal with them properly. This course will explain the purpose of unfair competition laws, identify the categories, explain the difference between infringements and misrepresentation and discuss remedies available for acts of unfair competition.
This Virginia Consumer Data Privacy Legislation online training course is designed for employees of companies that do business in Virginia and collect and sell consumers’ personal information. This course will outline the key provisions of the CDPA, underscore the privacy rights provided to Virginia consumers, and review the implications for organizations that do business in Virginia and with Virginia residents.
This Whistleblowing online training course was developed to help you understand the False Claims Act (FCA), its administrative remedies, and federal whistleblower protection laws. The FCA is a federal law to encourage individuals to sue on the government's behalf for fraud. The course covers the basics of the law and what you can do to stop defrauders in their tracks.
Employees have an important role to play in protecting the organization's assets. Keeping individual work areas secure is a key aspect of this responsibility. This Workstation Security online training course will provide an explanation of why workstation security is important and will review best practices for workstation security for individual employees.